CAR CLUBS of Australia.(plus links)

This site has been created by CarsOnline Australia for the purpose of providing ALL Australian motor car clubs with a central network through which individual clubs or club groups may share information with others of like interest from Greenland to New Zealand, Tennant Creek to New York..

From time to time page formats will vary, as new information becomes available, however in all cases links are established to allow the user flexibility in surfing the pages.The speed of delivery of pages depends to some degree on the size and number of images available, so please be patient, wherever possible "thumbnails" (minatures of the original pic) have been used to enhance overall speed.

We encourage clubs and members alike to utilise the tremendous resources available through the worldwide web~ to announce their activities on our activity page, results from Concours, motor runs , rallies and other facets which are of both specifc and general interest. These pages are not only viewed by clubs and members but also the general public all around the world, so the coverage of these announcements would in most cases be well beyond the reach of most clubs' newsletters, or monthly/quarterly periodicals.

Through following the links provided ( by clicking on any of the following "Thumbnails"), your members can:~ locate original electrical wiring diagrams of old cars, Global car clubs index, ~ or follow up on the hetic last minute preparations being made by any of the Formula 1 teams The Ferrari F1 Team as they ready for the next Grand Prix.

Your club members can also utilize the attached links to locate rare spares overseas (as I did myself recently...and at a significantly cheaper cost than buying the same water pump through local sources).

The facilities offered within are largely paid for by our sponsors. Each sponsor listed on this site has provided us with services in the past, and therefore is recommended by us, based purely on the quality and or content of the service given.

We would appreciate any comments, suggestions etc in order to further enhance the overall content and presentation of the 300 odd files contained within.

For those car club members wishing to dispose of or acquire a vehicle, a buy/sell page is availalbe for this purpose. Including the insertion of a colour photograph of the vehicle to be sold the cost is $25.00 until sold (the colour photograph is of course returned after image scanning), a further section is also available for parts, etc.

This web-site is 'live on air' 24 hours a day, 7 days a week promoted Australia wide and in all overseas countries. The coverage available for advertisers is nothing short of extroadinary.

To assist Clubs in finding out more about the best yet most inexpensive Inernet service providers (ISP), we can give you a few hints here (initially we were paying more than $2.80 per hour! for net use), so don't hesitate to ask, and by the way we are not an ISP, nor do we have any fiscal interests in any ISP's!.

Finally for those club secretaries wanting assistance, in locating marquees, catering services, reliable & sympathetic car transport companies, Insurance cover for specific events, computer programs designed for maintenance of car clubs, and so forth keep a close eye on car club news which through it's links to other Australian and International Clubs can provide you with an incredidle amount of up to date information on trends, management, etc.

If you have a query regarding the above please contact:~

Insurance time? Please visit our sponsors without whom this facility would not be.

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